Starting Steed:
Needed %Roll to have a steed at the creation of your character: 81+
Roll on the following chart to know if you will start out with a steed:
%Roll: Pet types:
01-05: Bear: %Roll: Bear breeds:
01-70: Black, Giant
71-00: Brown, Giant
06-07: Bird: %Roll: Bird breeds:
01-17: Bird, Eagle, Giant
18-34: Bird, Falcon, Peregrine, Giant
35-51: Bird, Hawk, Giant
52-68: Bird, Owl, Great Horned, Giant
69-84: Bird, Raven, Giant
85-00: Bird, Vulture, Giant
08-10: Cat: %Roll: Cat breeds:
01-25: Panther, Giant
26-50: Lion, Savanna, Giant
51-75: Tiger, Arctic, Giant
76-00: Tiger, Jungle, Giant
11: Dragon: %Roll: Dragon breeds:
01-20: Hunter
21-00: Lizard
12-89: Horse: %Roll: Horse breeds:
01-30: Feral
31-60: Pony: %Roll: Pony breeds:
01-80: Common
81-00: War
61-90: Stallion
91-00: War: %Roll: War Horse breeds:
01-99: Common
00: Trojan
90: Pegasus: %Roll: Pegasus breeds:
01-50: Dark
51-00: White
91: Unicorn: %Roll: Unicorn breeds:
01-50: Dark
51-00: White
92-96: Wolf: %Roll: Wolf breeds:
01-60: Giant
61-00: Timber, Giant
97-00: Wolverine, Giant
Next step: Topics to learn